Large environments such as clouds pose demands on the network, some of which cannot be met with Layer 2 solutions. The Border Gateway Protocol jumps into the breach in Layer 3 and ensures seamlessly scalable networks.
As Prometheus gave fire to mankind, the distributed monitoring software with the same name illuminates the admin's mind in native cloud environments, offering metrics for monitored systems and applications.
In the era of containers and clouds, the importance of the operating system is dwindling. Practically invulnerable lean operating systems that only handle elementary tasks are just what the doctor ordered.
If you are an intensive, or even a typical, computer user, you store an amazing amount of data on your personal computers, servers, and HPC systems that you rarely touch. SquashFS is an underestimated filesystem that can address that needed, but little used, data.
High availability, replication, and scaling are everyday necessities in the database world. What features does PostgreSQL offer in this context, and how good are they?
The third article in the OpenStack series deals with the question of how admins run OpenStack in a data center, what they need to consider in terms of planning, and what problems they are likely to face.
New and updated features in Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) 4, along with seamless provisioning of services between traditional and cloud workloads, could help RHV make up ground on VMware and Hyper-V.
A natural consequence of software-defined storage and software-defined data centers is the software-defined wide area network, or the Internet connections between locations and cloud services.
Microsoft cloud service Azure Active Directory Connect Health supports monitoring of Active Directory, especially in large and distributed environments, but the tool is also useful for monitoring hybrid landscapes using Azure Active Directory.
The popularity of REST APIs has increased of late, not only on industry sites, but also in the framework of smaller projects. We explain why this is so and illustrate the fairly abstract architectural approach with a concrete example.