Professional attackers have much more pointed at your site than just Nmap, and you should too if you want to test your network's security. We'll show you some tools intruders use to gather information.
Most clients on a network need both an address and some environmental information such as a name server or a web proxy. This article investigates whether a recent operating system on an IPv6-only LAN can handle this.
An administrator can only gain useful insights from network analysis if they understand the underlying procedures and protocols. The new version of Wireshark, 1.6, formerly known as Ethereal, can interpret around 30 new protocols.
How do web applications remember passwords? They don't. They turn them into mincemeat. And Phpass, which encrypts passwords in popular web applications, helps them do so.
Is your data really secure in the cloud? If a compromise occurs, current forensic approaches will not work and new techniques and standards will be needed.
Exchange is the standard messaging solution on Windows. This article explains how to install Exchange 2010 and supplies elegant workarounds for some of the pitfalls.
If you run a web server and a mail server and anticipate that users from Asia are headed towards your dedicated server, it's time to get it ready for IPv6.