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On the DVD

Knoppix 8.1 (Multiarch Live) and Ubuntu 17.10 Server (64-bit)

Knoppix 8.1 (Multiarch Live)

Creator Klaus Knopper consistently delivers one of the fastest and most flexible Live Linux distributions. Knoppix starts and runs almost five times faster from a USB flash disk than from a CD or DVD, so you'll find the flash-knoppix program in the menu under Knoppix | Install KNOPPIX to flash disk very useful. An extensive collection of diagnostic and troubleshooting tools makes Knoppix a favorite of professional sys admins. Emphasizing "Everything 3D," Knoppix 8.1 [1] includes Blender, FreeCAD, and OpenSCAD.

Ubuntu 17.10 Server (64-bit)

Ubuntu has come full circle and begins again at the top of the alphabet with Artful Aardvark. Version 17.10 [2] is the last release before the 18.04 long-term support (LTS) version; as usual for semiannual releases, you get nine months of security and maintenance updates. This release features Linux kernel 4.13. Some new features are:

Qemu has been updated to the 2.10 release, and one change might require user or admin intervention. See the Ubuntu 17.10 release notes for further information [3].