Features Forwarding Cryptographic Keys Lead image: Lead Image © scanrail, 123RF.com
Lead Image © scanrail, 123RF.com

Cryptographic key access in the cloud

Gimme the Key

Cryptographic keys, usually available locally but not on remote computers, can be accessed for use in cloud environments. By Thorsten Scherf

Cryptographic keys are usually stored on the hard disk, a smart card, a hardware security module (HSM), or a USB token. Applications that typically use such cryptographic keys are SSH, GnuPG, and crypto frameworks like OpenSSL, NSS, or GnuTLS.

Agent Forwarding

To begin, I'll take a look at SSH. If a user wants to log on to a remote computer by way of public key authentication, the user's public key must be available on the remote computer, usually provided with the help of the ssh-copy-id application. Of course, the user's private key does not leave the local computer, but what happens if the user needs to move on from the remote computer, for example, because it is only a kind of jump host from which you can then log on to other systems in the back end?

Access to the user's private SSH key is required, then, on the remote computer, which is what ssh-agent can deliver. Any private SSH key can be passed to this agent by ssh-add, which then stores the key in memory. If access to one of these keys is necessary, the agent can be addressed through a socket file. The name of this file can be found in the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable:

# echo "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"

Agent forwarding allows remote computers to access these agents. When establishing a connection over SSH, you can use the -A option. Alternatively, the option can be stored in the SSH configuration file; the option here is ForwardAgent, which is set to no by default. If you activate forwarding by changing no to yes, all keys known by the SSH agent are displayed after logging in on a remote computer and calling ssh-add -l. Now you can establish another SSH connection by public key-based authentication simply by accessing the key material of the SSH agent.

The situation is similar with forwarding a GnuPG agent socket so that access to the private GnuPG key also works from a remote computer. Here, however, you have to list explicitly the socket you want to forward in the ~/.ssh/config SSH configuration file:

Host *.example.com
RemoteForward /home/User/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent /home/User/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra

The local ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file also has to contain the name of this "special" socket:

extra-socket /home/User/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra
If a connection is then established to one of the hosts from the <I>example.com<I> domain, these hosts can access the private key from the local GnuPG keychain. However, on the remote system, the public key must already be part of the keychain.

PKCS#11 Forwarding

Far less well known is that remote access to the key material of public key cryptography standard (PKCS)#11 cards is also possible. These can be classic smart cards or the somewhat more modern USB variants, such as the YubiKey [1] or Nitrokey [2]. These cards are addressed through a PKCS#11 interface, for which you can find various drivers. The best known representatives are CoolKey [3] and OpenSC [4].

In the following example on a Fedora system, I show that accessing a smart card token via a forwarded PKCS#11 socket is possible from remote systems. I assume that a smart card already exists and has been provisioned. OpenSC should be used as the PKCS#11 driver. The reader I use is an OMNIKEY 3121.

Some preparations have to be made on the systems involved, such as installing the following packages from the Fedora repository:

# dnf install p11-kit p11-kit-server gnutls-utils libp11

Now, p11tool from the gnutls-utils package displays all tokens of the smart card:

# p11tool --list-tokens
Token 3:  URL:pkcs11:model=PKCS%2315;manufacturer=EXAMPLE%20COM;serial=10104303570;token=Signature%20PIN%11%2233%20PKI%11Card%00

Such a token can now be "passed on" to any system. The p11-kit-server package provides a module named p11-kit-client.so that can be used to address the token via this socket. To create the socket, call p11-kit with the URL of the token, given above, and the PKCS#11 driver:

# p11-kit server --provider /usr/lib64/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so"pkcs11:model=PKCS%2315;manufacturer=EXAMPLE%20COM;serial=10104303570;token=Signature%20PIN%11%2233 PKI%11Card%00"

As can be seen from the variable P11_KIT_SERVER_ ADDRESS, the socket file is located within the run-time directory of user /run/user//p11-kit. Before forwarding the socket, two things must first be ensured:

You can identify the run-time directory of a user on a remote system with:

# ssh tscherf@tiffy systemd-path user-runtime

Activating the system service p11-kit-client on the remote system creates the required p11-kit directory within the run-time directory for the user:

# systemctl --user enable --now p11-kit-client.service

The directory is now available:

# ls -ld /run/user/1000/p11-kit
drwxr-xr-x. 2 tscherf tscherf 60 Mar 5 11:28 /run/user/1000/p11-kit

Finally, the PKCS#11 socket can be forwarded. The following example uses ssh at the command line, but you could also add an appropriate entry to the SSH configuration file, ~/.ssh/config:

# ssh -R /run/user/1000/p11-kit/pkcs11:/run/user/1000/p11-kit/pkcs11-21564 tscherf@tiffy

If no error occurred, the socket should now be available on the remote system:

# ll /run/user/1000/p11-kit/
total 0
srw------- 1 tscherf tscherf 0 Mar 5 11:36 pkcs11

Access to the smart card token should now also be possible. For access, the p11-kit-client.so module mentioned earlier is required:

# p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so--list-tokens
Token 0:

For access to the token from the different crypto frameworks to work, as well, the frameworks must of course know that the p11-kit-client.so module is necessary. The following changes are required for OpenSSL:

# mkdir .config/pkcs11/modules/
# echo "module:/usr/lib64/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so" >.config/pkcs11/modules/p11-kit-client.module

Then the token can also be accessed via OpenSSL and the engine_pkcs11 module. For the NSS framework, you need to integrate the p11-kit-client.so module with the use of modutil:

# modutil -dbdir /etc/pki/nssdb -add p11-kit-client -libfile /usr/lib64/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so

A new entry is then displayed between the other modules:

# modutil -dbdir /etc/pki/nssdb -list
3. p11-kit-client library name: /usr/lib64/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so
   uri: pkcs11:library-manufacturer=OpenSC%20Project;library-description=OpenSC%20smartcard%20framework;library-version=0.17
  slot: 1 slot attached
status: loaded

Now you can simply pass the new PKCS#11 module with the ssh command,

# ssh -I /usr/lib64/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so tscherf@kermit

if you need the forwarded token to authenticate an SSH connection.


Sensitive key material should not be copied between systems. As shown in this article, far more elegant and secure methods exist for accessing keys remotely, such as a smart card.