Platform independence with PowerShell Core
Beyond the Horizon
Windows PowerShell was designed with the following thought in mind: How could a technology be designed that combines the power of C# with the simplicity of a scripting language or shell? Therefore, PowerShell is architecturally a composition of types, especially those from the .NET framework. .NET access was necessary because the API of Microsoft's server products changed. The use of Visual Studio and high-level languages for administrative purposes was something that could no longer be reasonably expected. The result was the multilayer architecture of PowerShell.
The commands form the top of a pyramid, with a strong dependency on the underlying type library. This relationship is clear from the installation prerequisites for the different PowerShell versions (Table 1). The mutual dependencies between the installed .NET libraries, system components, and PowerShell make it impossible to use Windows PowerShell outside of Windows. The get-process
command, for example, is based on the System.Diagnostics.Process
type. However, if these classes are only available for Windows operating systems, the command pyramid lacks a basis. This changes with the new concept of .NET Core.
Tabelle 1: Installation Requirements
PowerShell Version |
.NET Version |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4.5 |
5 |
4.5 |
6 |
Core |
All New in .NET Core
One disadvantage of the classic .NET architecture always has been the distribution of apps. Developers need an existing and suitable .NET framework version on the target system, and changes have to be adapted to the run-time environment. In principle, the environment determines the characteristics of the applications. The fixation on Windows is another limitation.
.NET Core looks to overcome these limitations through a modular structure. A subset of the .NET framework and the Common Language Runtime has been outsourced into a separate package. The portability of .NET Core and apps hosted within it on different processor architectures and operating systems is the central feature of Microsoft's modern class library, making it possible to scale applications from data centers to mobile devices.
This new variant of .NET, currently in versions 1 and 2, is open source and available for Linux and Mac OS. Because of the close relationship between the class base and PowerShell, these changes have a direct effect on PowerShell. PowerShell Core (PSCore) can be used on Linux and Windows and distributed as an application. As an administrative tool, PSCore cannot be removed completely from the operating system.
One example is Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Since Windows NT, the popular class library has offered administrators access to almost all hardware and software objects for the administration of servers and clients. However, the get-WmiObject
command immediately results in an error message under Linux, because WMI is not available under Linux. Therefore, there are no classes on which the commands can be based. The same also applies to COM/DCOM objects.
Installing PSCore
PSCore sources and packages, along with short manuals, are available for various operating systems on GitHub [1]. For Windows, an MSI package is available for download, and the installation routine gives you the choice of storage location. On Linux systems, the DEB package installs PSCore in the /opt/microsoft/powershell/<version number>/
The sources for developers are also found on the GitHub page. After starting the pwsh
interpreter, I recommend selecting Edit | Profile Preferences from the menu, where you can set color and font. Further settings can be made under Edit | Profiles.
The three most important PowerShell commands are available for an initial test: Get-Command
is used to explore the commands available in the console, Get-Help
documents the use of these commands and retrieves explanations of concepts and constructs, and Get-Member
displays the type from which a command is derived. To illustrate the differences between conventional PowerShell and PSCore, a Linux variant is recommended as the operating system.
PowerShell on Linux
PSCore retains the intuitive verb-noun command structure. Because the nouns are the administrative targets, listing the nouns on each system and under each host is the first way to get a better overview:
> Get-Command | Select-Object -Property noun -Unique | Sort-Object -Property noun | Format-Wide -Column 5
When looking through the output list, you will notice that many familiar objects are missing, including service and eventlog. However, the Windows variant of PowerShell 6 still includes options for managing services and the WinNT event log.
A gap in the command scope between PowerShell 5.1 and PSCore continues from PSCore for Windows to PSCore for Linux. A look at the Management
core module, for example, reveals various differences, as summarized in Table 2.
Tabelle 2: Missing Nouns
Missing Nouns on PSCore Compared with PowerShell Version 5.1 |
AutologgerConfig |
ComputerSecureChannel |
HotFix |
PrinterPort |
WebServiceProxy |
Clipboard |
ControlPanelItem |
PrintConfiguration |
PrinterProperty |
WmiEvent |
ComputerMachinePassword |
EtwTraceProvider |
Printer |
PrintJob |
WmiInstance |
ComputerRestore |
EtwTraceSession |
PrinterDriver |
RecycleBin |
WmiMethod |
ComputerRestorePoint |
EventLog |
PrinterNfcTag |
Transaction |
WmiObject |
Missing Nouns on Linux Compared with Windows |
Computer |
Connection |
WSMan |
WSManCredSSP |
WSManQuickConfig |
ComputerInfo |
Service |
WSManAction |
WSManInstance |
WSManSessionOption |
Of course, modules, commands, and drives from Windows structures or protocols are not supported either. The Active Directory (AD) module, the AD and WSMan drives, and, for example, the Add-Computer
command are included. As far as the quality of interactive help on the console is concerned, both commands and concepts or constructs can be analyzed as usual under Windows:
> Get-help get-process -Examples; > Get-help about_if; > Get-help about_Regular_Expressions;
The final test is .NET Core. The get-Process | get-Member
statement produces the same result under Linux as under Windows. Thus, the return value is definitely proof for the partial porting of the .NET framework to Linux. The three automatic variables $IsLinux
, $isWindows
, and $IsMacOs
of Boolean type are new and allow the host operating system to be queried to implement OS switches for cross-platform scripts. The second host with a development environment familiar in the traditional PowerShell, PowerShell ISE, is missing in the PSCore variant. However, with Visual Studio Code, a very good development environment is also available for Linux (Figure 1).

Since version 5 of PowerShell, the PsReadline
module on the console has provided help with syntax completion and colored highlighting to distinguish between commands, strings, and variables. Commands, paths, and parameters can be completed with the Tab key. Pressing the Tab key several times in the Windows shell provides a continuous list of suggestions with several valid expansions. Under Linux, the module is also integrated but behaves differently: The Tab key immediately generates all potential expansions; syntax completion is not performed until the results become unique. This behavior is controlled with:
> Set-PsReadLineOption -EditMode <Windows/Emacs>
The default value under Linux is Emacs
Microsoft introduced a command type in PowerShell that is still a nuisance for many Windows PowerShell aficionados today. Windows administrators used graphical tools far more often than the command line, and Windows Script Host. To make the transition to the new tool easier, commands from CMD and Bash were adapted, but with special features. For example, a call only redirects to the get-ChildItem
cmdlet. The use of switches, as in dir /a /p
, is not possible, because only the command name is implemented as an alias for get-ChildItem
, not its control options.
However, the biggest disadvantage of using an alias becomes apparent in the context of the other PowerShell command types. The PowerShell interactive console allows you to use binaries, scripts, functions, cmdlets, and aliases directly. If command names now exist in two or more command types, a certain sequence results during processing. The alias would be executed first, then the function, and then cmdlet scripts and executables. An ls
alias would overwrite the Unix ls
standard command, and the same applies to the ps
command. For this reason, dropping these (and other) aliases makes sense.
PSCore under Linux has other special features:
- As with Windows, the shell is not case sensitive for constructs and variables.
- Only the elements derived from the providers
, andFunction
exist as PowerShell drives. - Paths must be separated with a slash (
Reasons for PowerShell on Linux
Linux administrators have a good selection of tools like Grep, Awk, and Bash, but there are good reasons to draw attention to PSCore under Linux, as well. Since Desired State Configuration and the development of special Linux management resources, Microsoft has consistently followed the path of cross-platform management, because the standardization of concepts and tools creates more consistent environments.
The strength of Linux lies in the combination of the Bash and PSCore pipeline. The following example, for example, stops all processes with a working set larger than 5MB:
> Get-Process | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.WS -gt 5MB } | Stop-Process
The native solution on Linux would be a complex combination of Bash, AWK, and Grep. The PowerShell's very good input and output possibilities are likely to inspire many Linux adminstrators. PSCore can natively handle HTML, JSON, CSV, and XML formats, which is a qualitative benefit, especially for reporting scripts:
> Get-Content /etc/passwd | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ':' -Header Name,Passwd,UID,GID, Description,Home,Shell | Sort-Object Name | convertto-html | Out-File /home/thomas/passwd.html
The output of this command generates a tabular report.
Remote Access, Old and New
In PowerShell versions 2 to 5, remote access is implemented with the WS-Management Protocol. PowerShell endpoints on the devices communicate by HTTP listeners. The endpoints can vary and be configured individually. The output of Get-PsSessionConfiguration
provides a first clue.
Alternatively, you can now use SSH for remote maintenance in PowerShell 6. Instead of authentication by AD or entries in the list of trusted hosts in the WinRM configuration, a user account and password can be passed during connection. This approach is made possible by the new SshTransport
parameter, which has been reassigned to the commands New-PsSession
, Enter-PsSession
, and Invoke-Command
. When called, you can pass in a username on the target system; the password is then queried interactively. SSH servers and clients are available for Windows (e.g., CopSSH [2]).
Overall, PSCore 6.0 is a step back compared with PowerShell version 5.1. However, the future promises opportunities for standardized administration across system boundaries. The object-oriented pipeline and the many I/O and API functions have also been retained in the PSCore version. The integration of SSH is one quick way to use PSCore in the Linux world.