Tools RSQL Lead image: Photo by Eugenio Mazzone on Unsplash
Photo by Eugenio Mazzone on Unsplash

RSQL, a Microsoft SQL clone

Data Stacker

The open source relational database RSQL aims to completely replace slimmed-down instances of Microsoft SQL Server. By Frank Hofmann, Gerold Rupprecht, and Mandy Neumeyer

Database systems (DBSs) have existed for more than 60 years. Such software stores electronic data in a structured and permanent manner, usually in the form of tables with data records of a fixed size. The second task of a DBS, handled by the database management system (DBMS), is to retrieve this data efficiently and bring it to light as required. The DBMS organizes the storage of data within the DBS and checks all read and write accesses to the individual databases, taking into account the authorizations assigned to the various database users.

The data is accessed with the use of a query language, such as a structured query language (SQL), extended structured query language (XSQL), or XML query language (XQuery). The central DBMS discussed in this article and known as RSQL [1] implements a subset of Transact-SQL (T-SQL) [2], which is a proprietary extension of the SQL standard by Microsoft and Sybase. This SQL dialect is characterized by procedural programming, local variables, error handling, string processing, and mathematical operations [3].

Communication between the DBS and the outside world can be established using either a database console in a terminal, intermediary software in the form of an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) or Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver, or a suitable library. On Linux systems, the libdbi [4] framework is usually used as the corresponding library. RSQL provides a C# driver, which you can use as a C# developer to communicate directly with the DBS [5]. The driver is functionally identical to the C# SQL Server driver from Microsoft, so it is sufficient to replace

using System.Data.SqlClient;


using Rsqldrv.SqlClient;

in your C# program.


RSQL is the brainchild of Geneva-based developer Nicolas Riesch (see the "Nicolas Riesch Interviewed" box). As an engineer, he was in charge of database systems for an insurance company for more than a decade, especially in combination with Microsoft (MS) SQL Server. He observed that most of the required reports were comparatively simple and used only a fraction of the possibilities that the DBS offered. Only a few projects required events, triggers, views, and stored procedures. A passive database was sufficient, especially for backups.

In contrast, the licensing costs for the DBS were enormous and not reasonably related to the costs of hosting at the data center. Running multiple instances – usually the proven trio for development, testing, and production – becomes very expensive, especially for smaller companies with existing projects. Switching to MariaDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL avoids the cost factor of licenses, but at the price of increasing the testing overhead.

Riesch implemented the desire to run existing SQL queries without changes in the form of RSQL. After five years of development, 140,000 lines of code in Go are now available, and they cover Riesch's requirements. You can log in to RSQL with a username and password combination. Currently, the limit is 64 parallel connections per RSQL instance (multiuser; see Table 1 for other criteria).

Tabelle 1: RSQL Key Technical Specs


RSQL Parameters

Databases per RSQL instance

No limit on size and number

Tables per database

No limit on number or size of tables

Rows and columns per table

No limit on the number of data records

Data record size

8KB max

Data types (current)

varbinary, char, varchar, bit, tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, money, numeric, float, date, time, datetime

Data types (future)

image, text

Import/export format

CSV with fixed separator

Database functions

MS SQL Server-like functions and operators


Full backup; format not identical to MS SQL Server


Currently not supported

Cluster mode

Currently not supported

Transaction security

Yes (rollback on DBS restart)

Multiuser mode


Using RSQL

The basic requirements for using RSQL are a 64-bit system with only 100MB of RAM; 100MB of disk space is sufficient. Basic knowledge of SQL and its syntax are useful for operations. Installation instructions are available in variants for a quick start and for a complete client-server system.

RSQL is not yet available in packaged form. The archive of the current 0.7.1 version contains the server and client in the form of compiled Go files, with no other software dependencies. When unpacking the archive (Listing 1, line 1), the rsql/bin/ folder is created with the two binaries. To save typing, rename the server and client (lines 2 and 3).

Listing 1: Setting Up RSQL

01 $ tar -xzf rsql-0_7_1-linux_amd64.tgz
02 $ mv rsql/bin/rsql_server-0_7_1-linux_amd64 rsql/bin/rsql_server
03 $ mv rsql/bin/rcli-0_7_1-linux_amd64 rsql/bin/rcli
04 $ ls rsql/bin/
05 rsql_server rcli
07 $ mkdir rsql-test
08 $ ./rsql/bin/rsql_server -install -dir=/home/<user>/rsql-test -server_default_collation=en_ci_ai -server_default_language=en_us
09 $ ./rsql/bin/rsql_server -dir=/home/<user>/rsql-test

In the next step, you create a project directory, simply named rsql-test/ here (line 7); initialize the DBS (line 8) by replacing /home/<user>/ with the name of your home directory; and adjust the desired localization. Figure 1 shows the structures created during this step in the terminal window on the right. Now start the RSQL server at the command line (line 9).

RSQL in use. The server is already running in the background; the test directory (right) contains the required structures.
Figure 1: RSQL in use. The server is already running in the background; the test directory (right) contains the required structures.

The server now runs in the background. You can stop it at any time by pressing Ctrl+C. If you have not changed anything, RSQL listens on port 7777. When you launch the RSQL client, it automatically connects to the server process via this port. In another terminal, send a request from the client to the RSQL server (Listing 2, line 1).

Listing 2: Client Operations

01 $ ./rsql/bin/rcli -U=sa -P=<password> -Q="print 'hello world';"
02 $ ./rsql/bin/rcli -config_model > ~/rcli.conf
03 $ ./rcli -d <Database> batch.sql

In the call, the connection is made as the (already existing) sa user (-U switch) with the corresponding password (-P switch) and the command to be executed ("query" -Q switch), which in the example outputs the character string "hello world" (Figure 2). However, with this form of call, the authentication data ends up in the shell's history, which is undesirable. Therefore, transfer it to a configuration file with the call in Listing 2, line 2.

A "hello world" database query in RSQL.
Figure 2: A "hello world" database query in RSQL.

As in Listing 2, you can send SQL commands to create tables in the database, fill them with content, and query the content. Figure 3 uses a small phone book to show how RSQL handles this. The -d switch specifies the database used.

Joining two tables.
Figure 3: Joining two tables.


On the project website you will find a tutorial to help you learn how to use the software and an overview of the database commands, operators, and functions. RSQL does not yet have a man page, but it at least has integrated help for the individual switches. Only switches of the -s short form are documented, but the more common --switch variant is also allowed.

The project website also provides ready-made database content that impressively demonstrates the performance of RSQL and is worth trying out.

So far, RSQL does not have a database console like MySQL and PostgreSQL, nor does it have a graphical front end. All output is sent to the terminal. If you do not want to enter each query individually but want to transfer all queries in a batch job, then you can save them in a text file and point to it when calling RSQL (Listing 2, line 3).


In lone wolf mode, Riesch has achieved remarkable results with RSQL. According to him, the execution speed of his MS SQL clone is slightly slower than the original, but the general performance is completely adequate for most applications. Our tests confirm this statement, so we can recommend RSQL as a free alternative to MS SQL Server. The DBS matured in secret for a long time and still has a couple of burrs that Riesch needs to file, but the software is already proving to be suitable for everyday use.