On the DVD
CentOS 7-1708
CentOS describes itself as "… a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)." The goal is to offer a free Linux that offers compatibility and the high-end enterprise user experience associated with RHEL. The CentOS 7-1708 edition is based on RHEL 7.4 and includes improved tools for authentication, interoperability, and clustering, as well as better hardware support and several security enhancements.

Tails 3.5
Tails is a specialty Live Linux system designed for easy access to the TOR anonymity network. The TOR network lets the privacy-conscious user surf the web invisibly without fear of identification. The latest Tails release includes version 7.5 of the TOR browser, as well as a redesigned launcher tool and many useful bug fixes.