$ sudo sg_logs -a /dev/sdc SEAGATE ST14000NM0001 K001 Supported log pages [0x0]: 0x00 Supported log pages [sp] 0x02 Write error [we] 0x03 Read error [re] 0x05 Verify error [ve] 0x06 Non medium [nm] 0x08 Format status [fs] 0x0d Temperature [temp] 0x0e Start-stop cycle counter [sscc] 0x0f Application client [ac] 0x10 Self test results [str] 0x15 Background scan results [bsr] 0x18 Protocol specific port [psp] 0x1a Power condition transitions [pct] 0x2f Informational exceptions [ie] 0x37 Cache (seagate) [c_se] 0x38 0x3e Factory (seagate) [f_se] Write error counter page [0x2] Errors corrected with possible delays = 0 Total rewrites or rereads = 0 Total errors corrected = 0 Total times correction algorithm processed = 0 Total bytes processed = 3951500537856 Total uncorrected errors = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf800] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf801] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf802] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf803] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf804] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf805] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf806] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf807] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf810] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf811] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf812] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf813] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf814] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf815] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf816] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf817] = 0 Reserved or vendor specific [0xf820] = 0 Read error counter page [0x3] Errors corrected without substantial delay = 0 Errors corrected with possible delays = 0 Total rewrites or rereads = 0 Total errors corrected = 0 Total times correction algorithm processed = 0 Total bytes processed = 35801804845056 Total uncorrected errors = 0 Verify error counter page [0x5] Errors corrected without substantial delay = 0 Errors corrected with possible delays = 0 Total rewrites or rereads = 0 Total errors corrected = 0 Total times correction algorithm processed = 0 Total bytes processed = 0 Total uncorrected errors = 0 Non-medium error page [0x6] Non-medium error count = 0 Format status page [0x8] Format data out: Grown defects during certification Total blocks reassigned during format Total new blocks reassigned Power on minutes since format Temperature page [0xd] Current temperature = 28 C Reference temperature = 60 C Start-stop cycle counter page [0xe] Date of manufacture, year: 2019, week: 26 Accounting date, year: , week: Specified cycle count over device lifetime = 50000 Accumulated start-stop cycles = 498 Specified load-unload count over device lifetime = 600000 Accumulated load-unload cycles = 553 [ ... ]