# salt-key list Accepted Keys: Denied Keys: Unaccepted Keys: minion01 minion02 Rejected Keys: # salt 'minion0*' test.ping salt-key --accept minion0* # salt -C "G@os:Debian and G@num_cpus:2 and G@cpuarch:x86_64 and G@mem_total:4096 and E@minion\d{2,}" logrotate.show_conf # salt -C "N@group1" logrotate.show_conf #! gpg | jinja | yaml Ensure that the iotop package is installed: pkg.installed: - name: iotop # salt 'minion01' state.apply demo_state base: 'minion01': - demo_state mappings: apache2: Debian: pkg_name: apache2 srv_name: apache2 Red Hat: pkg_name: httpd srv_name: httpd base: '*': - mappings # salt 'minion01' saltutil.pillar refresh # salt "minion01" pillar.items # salt "minion01" pillar.get "mappings:apache2:Debian" minion 01: ---------- pkg_name: apache2 srv_name: apache2 base: 'minion1': - demo state - apache2