$ wget https://cfengine-package-repos.s3.amazonaws.com/community_binaries/Community-3.15.3/agent_rhel8_x86_64/cfengine-community-3.15.3-1.el8.x86_64.rpm ** $ sudo yum localinstall cfengine-community-3.15.3-1.el8.x86_64.rpm ** $ sudo /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent --bootstrap notice: Bootstrap mode: implicitly trusting server, use --trust-server=no if server trust is already established notice: Trusting new key: MD5=d67ad40160db5f79a616eea18bb9073c R: Bootstrapping from host '' via built-in policy '/var/cfengine/inputs/failsafe.cf' R: This autonomous node assumes the role of voluntary client R: Updated local policy from policy server R: Triggered an initial run of the policy R: Restarted systemd unit cfengine3 notice: Bootstrap to '' completed successfully! ** ### Open port 5308/TCP on the local firewall $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=cfengine