[...] - name: Create Stack cloudformation: stack_name: VPCFG state: present region: "{{ region }}" template: fortistack.yml template_parameters: InstanceType: c5.large FGUserName: admin KeyName: "{{ keyname }}" VPCName: VDCVPC VPCNet: "{{ wholenet }}" Kubnet: "{{ lnet }}" VPCSubnetFront: "{{ frontnet }}" VPCSubnetBack: "{{ backnet }}" S3Bucketname: "{{ s3name }}" LicenseFileName: "{{ licensefile }}" S3Region: "{{ region }}" register: stackinfo - name: Print Results [...] - name: Wait for VM to be up [...] - name: New Group add_host: groupname: fg hostname: "{{ stackinfo.stack_outputs.FortiGatepubIp }}" - name: Add ElaGroup1 add_host: groupname: elahosts hostname: "{{ stackinfo.stack_outputs.Server1Address }}" - name: Add ElaGroup2 add_host: groupname: elahosts hostname: "{{ stackinfo.stack_outputs.Server2Address }}" - name: Add NewGroup1 add_host: groupname: newhosts hostname: "{{ stackinfo.stack_outputs.Server1Address }}" - name: Add NewGroup2 add_host: groupname: newhosts hostname: "{{ stackinfo.stack_outputs.Server2Address }}" - name: Set Fact set_fact: netmaskback: "{{ netmaskback }}" - name: Set Fact set_fact: fgtpw: "{{ fgtpw }}" [...]