-- -*- lua -*- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- mpich-3.2 (3.2.1) support. Built with gcc-8.1 (8.1.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ help( [[ This module loads the mpich-3.2 MPI library built with gcc-8.1. compilers (8.1.0). It updates the PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and MANPATH environment variables to access the tools for building MPI applications using MPICH, libraries, and available man pages, respectively. This was built using the GCC compilers, version 8.1.0. The following additional environment variables are also defined: MPICC (path to mpicc compiler wrapper ) MPICXX (path to mpicxx compiler wrapper ) MPIF77 (path to mpif77 compiler wrapper ) MPIF90 (path to mpif90 compiler wrapper ) MPIFORT (path to mpifort compiler wrapper ) See the man pages for mpicc, mpicxx, mpif77, and mpif90. For more detailed information on available compiler options and command-line syntax. Also see the man pages for mpirun or mpiexec on executing MPI applications. ]]) -- Local variables local version = "3.2" local base = "/home/laytonjb/bin/gcc-8.1-mpich-3.2.1" -- Whatis description whatis("Description: MPICH-3.2 with GNU 8.1 compilers") whatis("URL: www.mpich.org") -- Take care of $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, $MANPATH prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base,"bin")) prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base,"include")) prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base,"lib")) prepend_path("MANPATH", pathJoin(base,"share/man")) -- Environment Variables pushenv("MPICC", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpicc")) pushenv("MPICXX", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpic++")) pushenv("MPIF90", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpif90")) pushenv("MPIF77", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpif77")) pushenv("MPIFORT", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpifort")) pushenv("mpicc", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpicc")) pushenv("mpicxx", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpic++")) pushenv("mpif90", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpif90")) pushenv("mpif77", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpif77")) pushenv("mpifort", pathJoin(base,"bin","mpifort")) -- Setup Modulepath for packages built by this compiler/mpi local mroot = os.getenv("MODULEPATH_ROOT") local mdir = pathJoin(mroot,"mpi/gcc", "8.1","mpich","3.2") prepend_path("MODULEPATH", mdir) -- Set family for this module (mpi) family("mpi")