-- -*- lua -*- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- GCC 8.1 compilers - gcc, g++, and gfortran. (Version 8.1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ help( [[ This module loads the gcc-8.1.0 compilers (8.1.0). The following additional environment variables are defined: CC (path to gcc compiler wrapper ) CXX (path to g++ compiler wrapper ) F77 (path to gfortran compiler wrapper ) F90 (path to gfortran compiler wrapper ) FC (path to gfortran compiler wrapper ) See the man pages for gcc, g++, gfortran (f77, f90). For more detailed information on available compiler options and command-line syntax. ]]) -- Local variables local version = "8.1" local base = "/home/laytonjb/bin/gcc-8.1.0/" -- Whatis description whatis("Description: GCC 8.1.0 compilers") whatis("URL: www.gnu.org") -- Take care of $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, $MANPATH prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base,"bin")) prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base,"sbin")) prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base,"include")) prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base,"lib")) prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base,"lib64")) prepend_path("MANPATH", pathJoin(base,"share/man")) -- Environment Variables pushenv("CC", pathJoin(base,"bin","gcc")) pushenv("CXX", pathJoin(base,"bin","g++")) pushenv("F77", pathJoin(base,"bin","gfortran")) pushenv("FORT", pathJoin(base,"bin","gfortran")) pushenv("cc", pathJoin(base,"bin","gcc")) pushenv("cxx", pathJoin(base,"bin","g++")) pushenv("f77", pathJoin(base,"bin","gfortran")) pushenv("fort", pathJoin(base,"bin","gfortran")) pushenv("FC", pathJoin(base,"bin","gfortran")) pushenv("fc", pathJoin(base,"bin","gfortran")) -- Setup Modulepath for packages built by this compiler local mroot = os.getenv("MODULEPATH_ROOT") local mdir = pathJoin(mroot,"compiler/gcc", version) prepend_path("MODULEPATH", mdir) -- Set family for this module family("compiler")