$ pdsh -v pdsh: invalid option -- 'v' Usage: pdsh [-options] command ... -S return largest of remote command return values -h output usage menu and quit -V output version information and quit -q list the option settings and quit -b disable ^C status feature (batch mode) -d enable extra debug information from ^C status -l user execute remote commands as user -t seconds set connect timeout (default is 10 sec) -u seconds set command timeout (no default) -f n use fanout of n nodes -w host,host,... set target node list on command line -x host,host,... set node exclusion list on command line -R name set rcmd module to name -M name,... select one or more misc modules to initialize first -N disable hostname: labels on output lines -L list info on all loaded modules and exit available rcmd modules: ssh,exec (default: ssh)