for(; ; ) {commands} for($count=1; $count -lt 5; $count++) {New-Item -Path h:\tmp -name "file$count.txt" -itemtype file} $count=1 For(;;) {$count} $count=2; For(;;count+=2) {$count}; $table = @() for($count=1; $count -le 15000; $count++) {$table += Get-Random -Minimum 2 -Maximum 10} $table.count $table = for($count=1; $count -le 15000; $count++) {Get-Random -Minimum 2 -Maximum 10} $table.count foreach () {} $names = "Hugo", "Emmy Lou", "William", "Frank", "Jane" foreach ($count in $names) {"$count =" + $count.length} foreach ($service in Get-Service) { $ + "can be stopped: " + $service.canstop.tostring().toupper() } Get-Service | where {$_.status -eq 'running'} | foreach-object {$ + " can be stopped: " + $_.canstop.tostring().toupper() } do { } while () do { $input= Read-Host "Please enter" } while ($input -notlike "secret" ) Write-Host "correct" $file = []::OpenText("H:\tmp\poem.txt") ** while (!($file.EndOfStream)) { $file.ReadLine() } $file.close foreach ($file in Dir $env:windir) { if ($file -isnot [System.IO.FileInfo]) { continue } "@File {0} has a size of {1} bytes." -f $,$file.length } while ($true) { $input= Read-Host "Please enter" if ($input -eq "secret") { Write-Host "exactly" break } else{ Write-Host "wrong" } }